Olympia’s Third Annual Ice Show
Olympia Skating Club hosted their 3rd Annual Ice Show on Sunday, June 10th. Our show featured a wide variety of programs skated by dedicated, passionate, and talented skaters of all ages, levels, and abilities and from all walks of life. The majority of our performers were over the age of 50, proving to our audience that age is just a number.
Every skater’s program was a unique expression of themselves. Head coach Monika Bafia choreographed most of the numbers, but a couple of skaters put together their own routines. It was wonderful to see such varied styles and musical tastes. There really was something for everyone!
Okotoks ice dancer Dave Sargent dropped by for the show and with a little bit of nudging, he was out of the ice performing the Tango Romantica. It was so unexpected and such a delight – welcome to the spontaneous world of adult skating!
Our supportive and enthusiastic audience cheered us on and kept us from losing our nerve. It’s a challenge to stand out on the ice all by yourself and skate for everyone. Despite the nerves, there is great value and satisfaction in doing a show which is why we plan one or two every year.
A show brings the club skaters together for a common purpose. It keeps us practicing and improving when we have a goal. Not everyone wants the pressure of competing; a show provides another platform to put together a routine and skate in front of an audience. Family and friends get to see what we’ve been working on and how far we’ve come.
Our group finale in this show was really breathtaking. Monika put together some simple, elegant moves to a selection from Bizet’s Carmen Suite. The skaters wore plain black shirts with pastel coloured fabric pinned underneath the sleeves which looked like gossamer wings. The floating effect that created while skating was magical to watch, and it was skated with good precision. We surprised ourselves because there were only 3 practices to put the group finale all together.
After the show, the mood in the change room was electric . Everyone wants to do more shows after another great success. We hope that our shows inspire other adults to dust off their skates and come back to skating or take it up for the first time. It really is a great way to get fit and have fun at the same time. Stay tuned for our Christmas show in December 2018!
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